
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 
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absolutePath() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
absolutePath(boolean) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
absoluteUrl() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the absoluteUrl record component.
ADD - Enum constant in enum class lib.aide.paths.Paths.DeepMergeOperation
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
addChild(Paths.Node) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
addEvent(VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent) - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Audit
addHistory(Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions
addIngressPath(FileObject) - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Builder
addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.UxReportableObservability
addIssue(Exception) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry) - Method in class
addRoute(RoutesTree.Route) - Method in class
afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.UxReportableObservability
aggFunc() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO
Returns the value of the aggFunc record component.
AggregationFunction(String, List<String>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.AggregationFunction
Creates an instance of a AggregationFunction record class.
aggregationFunctions() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the aggregationFunctions record component.
agp_optim_maxim_query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
agp_Query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
AgpStudyParticipant - Class in
AgpStudyParticipant(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
all_studies_vanity_metrics_query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
AmbulatoryGlucoseProfile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
ancestors() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
anchorAttrs() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Returns the value of the anchorAttrs record component.
announcements(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
AppConfig - Class in
AppConfig() - Constructor for class
AppConfig.Servlet - Class in
AppConfig.Servlet.HeaderName - Class in
AppConfig.Servlet.HeaderName.Request - Class in
AppConfig.Servlet.HeaderName.Response - Class in
Application - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Application() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Application
apply(T, U, V, W) - Method in interface lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.QuadFunction
asciiTree(Paths<C, P>, Optional<PathsVisuals.PayloadContentSupplier<C, P>>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsVisuals
Generates an ASCII tree representation of the given Paths object.
assemble(List<C>) - Method in interface lib.aide.paths.Paths.PayloadComponentsSupplier
assemble(List<String>) - Method in class
attributes() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
Audit(List<VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Audit
Creates an instance of a Audit record class.
AuditEvent(String, String, Optional<FileObject>, Optional<Exception>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent
Creates an instance of a AuditEvent record class.
AuthenticatedUser(OAuth2User, GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter.AuthenticatedUser
Creates an instance of a AuthenticatedUser record class.
AuthorizationFilter - Class in
AuthorizationFilter() - Constructor for class
AuthorizedUser(String, String, String, String, String, Map<String, GitHubUsersService.Resource>) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Creates an instance of a AuthorizedUser record class.
average_daily_risk - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries


basename() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
bindValues() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqProvenance
Returns the value of the bindValues record component.
bindValues() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqQuery
Returns the value of the bindValues record component.
build() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.Builder
Builds the PathsHtml instance.
build() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.collection.Resources.Builder
build() - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
build() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Builder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
builder() - Static method in class
Builder() - Constructor for class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.collection.Resources.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
ByteArrayToStringOrJsonSerializer() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.ByteArrayToStringOrJsonSerializer
ByteArrayToStringOrJsonSerializer(Class<byte[]>) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.ByteArrayToStringOrJsonSerializer


calculateAverageDailyRisk(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateAverageDailyRisk(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateCONGA(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateCONGA(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateGRADE(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateGRADE(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateJIndex(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateJIndex(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateLBGIandHBGI(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateLBGIandHBGI(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateMeanOfDailyDifferences(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateMeanOfDailyDifferences(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateMValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateMValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeAboveRangeHigh(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeAboveRangeHigh(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeAboveRangeVeryHigh(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeAboveRangeVeryHigh(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeBelowRangeLow(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeBelowRangeLow(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeBelowRangeVeryLow(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeBelowRangeVeryLow(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeInRange(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeInRange(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeInTightRange(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
calculateTimeInTightRange(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
CgmFileController - Class in
CgmFileController(Presentation) - Constructor for class
check_records - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
checkProperties(Environment, String...) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration
children() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
className() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound
Returns the value of the className record component.
className() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
Returns the value of the className record component.
clientIpAddress() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the clientIpAddress record component.
CoefficientOfVariation(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
cohort() - Method in class
CohortController - Class in
CohortController(Presentation) - Constructor for class
CohortDetailController - Class in
CohortDetailController(Presentation) - Constructor for class
cohortFinal(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
CohortRequest - Record Class in
CohortRequest(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a CohortRequest record class.
colId() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.SortModel
Returns the value of the colId record component.
column(String) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable
ColumnFilter - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
ColumnFilter() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnFilter
columns() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.AggregationFunction
Returns the value of the columns record component.
ColumnVO - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
ColumnVO() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
ColumnVO(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO
Creates an instance of a ColumnVO record class.
ColumnVO(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
combined_all_metrics - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
CombineDataAccessService - Class in
CombineDataAccessService() - Constructor for class
ComponentData - Class in
ComponentData(String, double, String) - Constructor for class
ComponentData(String, double, String, String) - Constructor for class
components() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
components(String) - Method in interface lib.aide.paths.Paths.PayloadComponentsSupplier
components(String) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource.MarkdownNature
components(String) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource.UntypedMarkdownNature
components(String) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource.MdxNature
components(String) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource.UntypedMdxNature
components(String) - Method in class
components(RoutesTree.Route) - Method in class
components(P) - Method in interface lib.aide.paths.Paths.PayloadComponentsSupplier
Components(String, Optional<F>, String, List<Exception>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature.Components
Creates an instance of a Components record class.
computeAllMetrics(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
computeAllMetrics(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
conditions() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Returns the value of the conditions record component.
ConditionsFilterModel(String, String, Object) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
ConditionsFilterModel(String, String, Object, Object) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
Creates an instance of a ConditionsFilterModel record class.
configuration() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.udi.UdiPrimeDbConfig
Configuration - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf
Encapsulates configuration that is common across all DRH (DRH) packages.
Configuration() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration
Configuration.Servlet - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf
Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf
Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName.Request - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf
Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName.Response - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf
configureAsyncSupport(AsyncSupportConfigurer) - Method in class
connectionProvider() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.udi.UdiPrimeDbConfig
ConsoleController - Class in
ConsoleController(Presentation) - Constructor for class
consumables(VfsIngressConsumer.QuadFunction<VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual, FileObject, FileObject, VfsIngressConsumer.Audit, List<VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual>>) - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Builder
consumeUnzipped(VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual, FileObject, FileObject, VfsIngressConsumer.Audit) - Static method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
consumeUnzipped is meant to be passed into Builder.consumables(VfsIngressConsumer::consumeUnzipped) and is designed to unzip items in a zip file and put them into the snapshotHome for consumption.
content() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.EmptyResource
content() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.ExceptionResource
content() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.JsonResource
content() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource
content() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource
content() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.YamlResource
content() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature.Components
Returns the value of the content record component.
content() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.Resource
content(Paths.Node, Paths<C, P>) - Method in interface lib.aide.paths.PathsVisuals.PayloadContentSupplier
contentClass() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.ForwardableResource
contentType() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Returns the value of the contentType record component.
contentType() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the contentType record component.
cookies() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the cookies record component.
createCondition(Map<String, TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel>) - Method in class
createResponse(ServerRowsRequest, List<Map<String, Object>>, Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
createSql(ServerRowsRequest, String, Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SqlQueryBuilder
customGlobalHeaders() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SwaggerConfig
CustomOAuth2AuthenticationFailureHandler - Class in
CustomOAuth2AuthenticationFailureHandler() - Constructor for class


daily_profile_query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
data() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsResponse
Returns the value of the data record component.
data() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response.JdbcResponse.JdbcRowsResponse
Returns the value of the data record component.
data(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
DataAccessService - Class in
DataAccessService() - Constructor for class
DATALAKE_API_URL - Static variable in class
deepMerge(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Deeply merges the updates map into the original map.
DEFAULT_ASSEMBLER_TEXT - Static variable in class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory
DEFAULT_DELIMITER_PATTERN - Static variable in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
DEFAULT_DELIMITER_PATTERN - Static variable in class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory
DelegatingOAuth2UserService - Class in
DelegatingOAuth2UserService(OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User>, OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User>) - Constructor for class
delimiter() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Returns the value of the delimiter record component.
descendants() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
detail(String) - Method in class
detail(String) - Method in class
detailsAttrs() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Returns the value of the detailsAttrs record component.
devicefinal(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
displayName() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO
Returns the value of the displayName record component.
distro() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor
Returns the value of the distro record component.
docs() - Method in class
docs() - Method in class
docs() - Method in class
docs() - Method in class
DocsController - Class in
DocsController(Presentation) - Constructor for class
drain(FileObject, Optional<UUID>) - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
DRH_STRUCT_DEFN_PROFILE_URI - Static variable in class
DRH_VALIDATION_STRATEGY - Static variable in class
drhSwaggerUI(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
dsl() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.udi.UdiPrimeDbConfig


Editable - Interface in lib.aide.resource
editor() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor
Returns the value of the editor record component.
editURI() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.Editable
elaboration() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.collection.PathElaboration
Returns the value of the elaboration record component.
emailPrimary() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Returns the value of the emailPrimary record component.
emptyAmbulatoryGlucoseProfileCache() - Method in class
emptyParticipantCgmDatesCache() - Method in class
EmptyResource - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
EmptyResource() - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.EmptyResource
EmptyResource(String, EmptyNature, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.EmptyResource
EmptyResource(Supplier<String>, EmptyNature, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.EmptyResource
encounteredAt() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the encounteredAt record component.
encounteredAt() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the encounteredAt record component.
endRow() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the endRow record component.
endRow() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.RangeSelection
Returns the value of the endRow record component.
entries() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressPath
Returns the value of the entries record component.
entry() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual
Returns the value of the entry record component.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.collection.PathElaboration
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedResourceFactory
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedTextResourceFactory
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature.Components
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.ResourceProvenance
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqProvenance
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqQuery
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.AggregationFunction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.RangeSelection
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.SortModel
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Audit
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressGroup
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressPath
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
equals(Object) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter.AuthenticatedUser
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.Resource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Header
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Tenant
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response.JdbcResponse.JdbcRowsResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.InvalidResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidUntypedResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
error() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent
Returns the value of the error record component.
errors(Object) - Method in class
events() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Audit
Returns the value of the events record component.
exception() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
Returns the value of the exception record component.
ExceptionResource - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
ExceptionResource(Exception) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.ExceptionResource
ExceptionResource(String, ExceptionNature, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.ExceptionResource
ExceptionResource(Supplier<String>, ExceptionNature, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.ExceptionResource
exceptions() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature.Components
Returns the value of the exceptions record component.
exceptions() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.InvalidResult
Returns the value of the exceptions record component.
ExperimentController - Class in
ExperimentController() - Constructor for class
ExperimentService - Class in
ExperimentService() - Constructor for class
ExprimentalJooqController - Class in
ExprimentalJooqController(UdiPrimeDbConfig) - Constructor for class
extendedSuffix() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Returns the value of the extendedSuffix record component.
extendedSuffix(String, Pattern) - Static method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Checks if the delim matches any part of the suffixesSrc and returns the substring from the first occurrence of the delimiter to the end of the string, including the delimiter; if no match is found, it returns the original input string.
extractDataFromJson(String) - Static method in class
extractOrcidFromJson(String) - Static method in class
extractSuffixes(String, Pattern) - Static method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
This method processes the source string to extract suffixes separated by the provided delimiter.


field() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO
Returns the value of the field record component.
file(String, String, String) - Method in class
files(String) - Method in class
filesList(String, Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
fileView(String, String, String, Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
filter() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
Returns the value of the filter record component.
filter() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Returns the value of the filter record component.
filterModel() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the filterModel record component.
FilterModel(String, String, Object) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Constructor for simple filters (no conditions, just filter type and value).
FilterModel(String, String, Object, String, List<TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel>, Object) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Creates an instance of a FilterModel record class.
FilterModel(String, String, List<TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Constructor for complex filters with conditions and operators.
FilterRequest - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
FilterRequest() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.FilterRequest
FilterRequest(Map<String, ColumnFilter>) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.FilterRequest
filters() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the filters record component.
filterType() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
Returns the value of the filterType record component.
filterType() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Returns the value of the filterType record component.
findChild(C) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
findFirstHeaderValue(HttpServletRequest, String...) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Helpers
Finds the first non-null and non-empty header value from the given header names.
findNode(String) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Finds a node in the tree structure based on the full path.
forEach(Consumer<? super Paths.Node>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Runs action for every node in the tree
forEach(Consumer<? super Paths.Node>, boolean) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Runs action for every node in the tree
forEach(Consumer<? super Paths.Node>, boolean) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
Runs action for every node in the tree, depth first
ForwardableResource<N,C> - Interface in lib.aide.resource
fromBasename(String, Paths.Node, Paths.Node) - Static method in record class lib.aide.resource.collection.PathElaboration
If the file is `.path.yml` `.path.yaml` or `.path.json` or `.
fromSQL() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqProvenance
Returns the value of the fromSQL record component.
fromTablesRegistry(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable
frontmatter() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature.Components
Returns the value of the frontmatter record component.
FrontmatterNature<F> - Class in lib.aide.resource.nature
FrontmatterNature(TypeReference<F>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature
FrontmatterNature(TypeReference<F>, Supplier<String>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature
FrontmatterNature.Components<F> - Record Class in lib.aide.resource.nature
functionName() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.AggregationFunction
Returns the value of the functionName record component.


getAge() - Method in class
getAggFunc() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
getAllData() - Method in class
getAllData() - Method in class
getAllStudySummary() - Method in class
getAllStudyTotalCgmFiles() - Method in class
getAllStudyTotalCgmFiles(String) - Method in class
getAllStudyTotalCgmWear() - Method in class
getAllStudyTotalCgmWear() - Method in class
getAllStudyTotalCgmWear(String) - Method in class
getAllStudyTotalDataPoints() - Method in class
getAllStudyTotalDataPoints() - Method in class
getAllStudyTotalDataPoints(String) - Method in class
getAllStudyVanityMetrics() - Method in class
getAllStudyVanityMetrics() - Method in class
getAllStudyVanityMetrics(String, String) - Method in class
getAmbulatoryGlucoseProfile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getAttribute(String) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
getAudit() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getAuthenticatedUser(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter
getBaseline_hba1c() - Method in class
getBaseUrl(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Helpers
getBmi() - Method in class
getBorderLine() - Method in class
getCdata() - Method in class
getCoefficientOfVariation(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getCohort(CohortRequest) - Method in class
getCohort(CohortRequest) - Method in class
getCohortAverageAge(CohortRequest, String) - Method in class
getCohortCgmCount(List<String>) - Method in class
getCohortCgmCount(CohortRequest) - Method in class
getCohortCgmCount(CohortRequest, String) - Method in class
getCohortFemalePercentage(CohortRequest, String) - Method in class
getCohortParticipantMetricsCount(CohortRequest) - Method in class
getCohortReport(CohortRequest) - Method in class
getCohortReport(CohortRequest) - Method in class
getCohortResponse(CohortRequest) - Method in class
getCohortTotalParticipant(CohortRequest, String) - Method in class
getColId() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
getCompleteGroups() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getDailyGlucoseProfile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getDailyGlucoseProfile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getData() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
getDiabetes_type() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
getEachStudyDetails(String) - Method in class
getEachStudyParticipantDashboard(String, TabularRowsRequest, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
getEditorUrl(URL) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers
getEditorUrl(SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor, String) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers
getEditorUrlFromAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers
getEndDate() - Method in class
getEndRow() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
getEnvVarsAvailable(String) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration
getField() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
getFieldName(String, String) - Method in class
getFieldName(String, String) - Method in class
getFilter() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.NumberColumnFilter
getFilter() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.TextColumnFilter
getFilterModel() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.FilterRequest
getFilterModel() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
getFilterTo() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.NumberColumnFilter
getFilterType() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.NumberColumnFilter
getFormattedValue() - Method in class
getGlucoseManagementIndicator(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getGlucoseManagementIndicator(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getGri() - Method in class
getGroupedEntries() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getGroupedEntriesMap() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getGroupKeys() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
getHigh() - Method in class
getHistory() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions
getId() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
getIncompleteGroups() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getIndividualEntries() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getJsonObject(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText
Parses a JSON string and returns a JsonText.JsonObjectResult indicating the outcome.
getLastRow() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
getLow() - Method in class
getMeanAmplitude(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getMeanAmplitude(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getMeanGlucose(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getMeanGlucose(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getMrn() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getNctNumber() - Method in class
getNumberOfDaysCGMWorn(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getNumberOfDaysCGMWorn(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getOriginalEntries() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getParticipant_id() - Method in class
getParticipantCGMDates(String, String) - Method in class
getParticipantCGMDates(String, String) - Method in class
getParticipantId() - Method in class
getParticipantInfo(String, String) - Method in class
getParticipantInfo(String, String) - Method in class
getParticipantMetrics(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getParticipantMetrics(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getPaths() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.collection.Resources
getPercentageTimeCGMActive(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getPercentageTimeCGMActive(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getPivotCols() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
getPivotValues(List<ColumnVO>) - Method in class
getResources() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.collection.Resources
getRoutesTrees() - Method in class
getRowGroupCols() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
getSecondaryColumnFields() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
getSessionHome() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getSessionId() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getSnapshotEntries() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getSnapshotHome() - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer
getSort() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
getSortModel() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
getSortModel(List<TabularRowsRequest.SortModel>) - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartRow() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
getStudy() - Method in class
getStudyAverageAge(String, String) - Method in class
getStudyCGMFileNames(String, TabularRowsRequest, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
getStudyCGMFiles(String, String, TabularRowsRequest, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
getStudyDescription() - Method in class
getStudyDetails(String) - Method in class
getStudyDetails(String) - Method in class
getStudyDetails(String) - Method in class
getStudyDetails(String, TabularRowsRequest, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
getStudyName() - Method in class
getStudyParticipantDashboard(String) - Method in class
getStudyParticipantDashboard(String, int, int) - Method in class
getStudyTotalCgmFiles(String) - Method in class
getStudyTotalCgmFiles(String, String) - Method in class
getStudyTotalParticipants(String, String) - Method in class
getStudyTotalPercentageFemale(String, String) - Method in class
getSuffix() - Method in class
getTAR_H() - Method in class
getTAR_VH() - Method in class
getTBR_L() - Method in class
getTBR_VL() - Method in class
getTimeRangeStackedData(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getTimeRangeStackedData(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
getTimeRangeString() - Method in class
getTIR() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.NumberColumnFilter
getType() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.TextColumnFilter
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValueCols() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
getValues() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SetColumnFilter
getValuesForField(String) - Method in class
getVersion() - Method in class
getvHigh() - Method in class
getvLow() - Method in class
ghUser() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter.AuthenticatedUser
Returns the value of the ghUser record component.
gitHubId() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Returns the value of the gitHubId record component.
GitHubOAuth2UserService - Class in
GitHubOAuth2UserService() - Constructor for class
GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter(GitHubUsersService) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter
GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter.AuthenticatedUser - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
GitHubUsersService - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
GitHubUsersService() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService
GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
GitHubUsersService.Resource - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
glycemicRiskIndicator(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
glycemicRiskIndicator(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
groupedEntries() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressGroup
Returns the value of the groupedEntries record component.
groupId() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressGroup
Returns the value of the groupId record component.
groupKeys() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the groupKeys record component.


hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.collection.PathElaboration
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedResourceFactory
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedTextResourceFactory
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature.Components
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.ResourceProvenance
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqProvenance
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqQuery
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.AggregationFunction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.RangeSelection
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.SortModel
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Audit
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressGroup
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressPath
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
hashCode() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter.AuthenticatedUser
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.Resource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Header
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Tenant
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response.JdbcResponse.JdbcRowsResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.InvalidResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidUntypedResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
Header(String, String) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Header
Creates an instance of a Header record class.
HeaderName() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName
HeaderName() - Constructor for class
HeaderName() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName
headers() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the headers record component.
headers() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the headers record component.
headersOM - Static variable in class
headersOM - Static variable in class
healthInformation(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Helpers - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Helpers() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Helpers
home(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
hostname() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor
Returns the value of the hostname record component.
href() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the href record component.
href() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the href record component.
HtmlAnchor(Optional<RoutesTree.Route>, Optional<String>, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a HtmlAnchor record class.
HtmlAnchor(Paths.Node) - Constructor for record class
HtmlContent(Optional<String>, Optional<Map<String, String>>, Optional<Map<String, String>>, Optional<Map<String, String>>, Optional<Map<String, String>>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Constructor for HtmlContent record.


id() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO
Returns the value of the id record component.
identity() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.ResourcesSupplier
includeGeneratedSqlInErrorResp(boolean) - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
includeGeneratedSqlInResp(boolean) - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
indentLines(String) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.Builder
Sets the line indentation.
indentTags(String) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.Builder
Sets the tag indentation.
IngressGroup(String, List<VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressGroup
Creates an instance of a IngressGroup record class.
IngressIndividual(FileObject) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual
Creates an instance of a IngressIndividual record class.
IngressPath(FileObject, List<VfsIngressConsumer.IngressEntry>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressPath
Creates an instance of a IngressPath record class.
init() - Method in class
instance() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult
Returns the value of the instance record component.
interactionId() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the interactionId record component.
Interactions - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions
Interactions.Header - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions.RequestEncountered - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions.ResponseEncountered - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions.Servlet - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Request - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Response - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
Interactions.Tenant - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
intoMap() - Method in record class
InvalidResult(String, List<Exception>) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.InvalidResult
Creates an instance of a InvalidResult record class.
isAuthorizedUser(DefaultOAuth2User) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService
Check GitHub to see if the provided userName is an authorized user.
isEditorAvailable() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers
isGroup(Function<FileObject, String>) - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Builder
isGroupComplete(Predicate<VfsIngressConsumer.IngressGroup>) - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Builder
isLeaf() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
isPivotMode() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
isRoot() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
isSnapshotable(VfsIngressConsumer.QuadFunction<VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual, FileObject, FileObject, VfsIngressConsumer.Audit, Boolean>) - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Builder
isStronglyTyped() - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier
issues() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
issues() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Returns the value of the issues record component.
isValid() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Returns the value of the isValid record component.
isValid() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.InvalidResult
isValid() - Method in interface org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult
isValid() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult
isValid() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound
isValid() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
isValid() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidUntypedResult


JdbcResponse - Class in
JdbcResponse - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response
JdbcResponse() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response.JdbcResponse
JdbcResponse(JdbcResponse.Builder) - Constructor for class
JdbcResponse.Builder - Class in
JdbcResponse.JdbcRowsResponse - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response
JdbcRowsResponse(Object) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response.JdbcResponse.JdbcRowsResponse
Creates an instance of a JdbcRowsResponse record class.
JooqProvenance(String, List<Object>, boolean) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqProvenance
Creates an instance of a JooqProvenance record class.
JooqQuery(Query, List<Object>, boolean) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqQuery
Creates an instance of a JooqQuery record class.
JooqRowsSupplier - Class in lib.aide.tabular
JooqRowsSupplier.Builder - Class in lib.aide.tabular
JooqRowsSupplier.JooqProvenance - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
JooqRowsSupplier.JooqQuery - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
JSON - Enum constant in enum class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextContentType
JsonNature() - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.JsonResource.JsonNature
jsonObject() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult
Returns the value of the jsonObject record component.
jsonObject() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound
Returns the value of the jsonObject record component.
jsonObject() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
Returns the value of the jsonObject record component.
jsonObject() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidUntypedResult
Returns the value of the jsonObject record component.
JsonResource - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
JsonResource(String, JsonResource.JsonNature, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.JsonResource
JsonResource(Supplier<String>, JsonResource.JsonNature, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.JsonResource
JsonResource.JsonNature - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
JsonText - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
JsonText() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText
JsonText.ByteArrayToStringOrJsonSerializer - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
Custom serializer for byte arrays.
JsonText.JsonObjectResult - Interface in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
JsonText.JsonObjectResult.InvalidResult - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult<T> - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidUntypedResult - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
JsonText.JsonTextSerializer - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
Custom serializer for JSON text.
JsonTextSerializer() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonTextSerializer
JsonTextSerializer(Class<String>) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonTextSerializer


label() - Element in annotation interface
label() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the label record component.
labelHtml() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Returns the value of the labelHtml record component.
lastRow() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsResponse
Returns the value of the lastRow record component.
leafNodeHtmlContent(Function<Paths.Node, PathsHtml.HtmlContent>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.Builder
Sets the function to generate HtmlContent for leaf nodes.
liabilityIndex(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
liabilityIndex(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
liAttrs() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Returns the value of the liAttrs record component.
lib.aide.paths - package lib.aide.paths
lib.aide.resource - package lib.aide.resource
lib.aide.resource.collection - package lib.aide.resource.collection
lib.aide.resource.content - package lib.aide.resource.content
lib.aide.resource.nature - package lib.aide.resource.nature
lib.aide.tabular - package lib.aide.tabular
lib.aide.vfs - package lib.aide.vfs
loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest) - Method in class
loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest) - Method in class
loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest) - Method in class
login() - Method in class


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Application
mapFromText(String, Optional<Supplier<String>>) - Static method in class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory
Maps the content of a file or a provided text supplier to a Mapinvalid input: '<'String, Object>.
MapFromTextResult(Map<String, Object>, boolean, List<Exception>, String, ResourceFactory.MapFromTextContentType) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Creates an instance of a MapFromTextResult record class.
MarkdownNature(TypeReference<F>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource.MarkdownNature
MarkdownNature(TypeReference<F>, Supplier<String>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource.MarkdownNature
MarkdownResource<F,N> - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
MarkdownResource(String, N) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource
MarkdownResource(String, N, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource
MarkdownResource(Supplier<String>, N) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource
MarkdownResource(Supplier<String>, N, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource
MarkdownResource.MarkdownNature<F> - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
MarkdownResource.UntypedMarkdownNature - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
MavenController - Class in
MavenController() - Constructor for class
MdxNature(TypeReference<F>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource.MdxNature
MdxNature(TypeReference<F>, Supplier<String>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource.MdxNature
MdxResource<F,N> - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
MdxResource(String, N) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource
MdxResource(String, N, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource
MdxResource(Supplier<String>, N) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource
MdxResource(Supplier<String>, N, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource
MdxResource.MdxNature<F> - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
MdxResource.UntypedMdxNature - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
mergeAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
merged() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.collection.PathElaboration
Returns the value of the merged record component.
message() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent
Returns the value of the message record component.
message(String) - Method in class
metadata(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
method() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the method record component.
MetricsQueries - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
MetricsQueries() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
mimeType() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.JsonResource.JsonNature
mimeType() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource.MarkdownNature
mimeType() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource.UntypedMarkdownNature
mimeType() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource.MdxNature
mimeType() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource.UntypedMdxNature
mimeType() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.YamlResource.YamlNature
mimeType() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature
mimeType() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.Nature
MyProfileController - Class in
MyProfileController(Presentation) - Constructor for class


name() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Header
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Tenant
Returns the value of the name record component.
namespace() - Element in annotation interface
nature() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.EmptyResource
nature() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.ExceptionResource
nature() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.JsonResource
nature() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource
nature() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource
nature() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.YamlResource
nature() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.Resource
nature() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent
Returns the value of the nature record component.
Nature - Interface in lib.aide.resource
navPrime() - Method in class
navPrimeAscii() - Method in class
Node(List<C>, Optional<P>, Paths.Node) - Constructor for class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
Constructs a new Node with the specified components, payload, and parent node.
NumberColumnFilter - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
NumberColumnFilter() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.NumberColumnFilter
NumberColumnFilter(String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.NumberColumnFilter


objectMapper - Static variable in class lib.aide.paths.PathsJson
objectMapper - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration
objectMapperConcise - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration
ObservabilityRequestFilter - Class in
ObservabilityRequestFilter() - Constructor for class
onAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AuthenticationException) - Method in class
operator() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Returns the value of the operator record component.
optim_agp_query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
OrcidOAuth2UserService - Class in
OrcidOAuth2UserService() - Constructor for class
org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf - package org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf
org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http - package org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid - package org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response - package org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response
org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util - package org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util
org.diabetestechnology.drh.udi - package org.diabetestechnology.drh.udi
original() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature.Components
Returns the value of the original record component.
originalText() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.InvalidResult
Returns the value of the originalText record component.
originalText() - Method in interface org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult
originalText() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult
Returns the value of the originalText record component.
originalText() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound
Returns the value of the originalText record component.
originalText() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
Returns the value of the originalText record component.
originalText() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidUntypedResult
Returns the value of the originalText record component.
ownEnvVars - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration


parameters() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the parameters record component.
Params - Class in
Params(String) - Constructor for class
parent() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
parentNodeHtmlContent(Function<Paths.Node, PathsHtml.HtmlContent>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.Builder
Sets the function to generate HtmlContent for parent nodes.
parseContent(String) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature
parsedComponents() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature
Participant - Class in
Participant(String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class
participant_cgm_dates_query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
participant_info_query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
participant_metrics_query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
ParticipantController - Class in
ParticipantController(Presentation, UdiPrimeDbConfig) - Constructor for class
participantdetail(String, String, Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
participantinfo(String, String) - Method in class
path() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent
Returns the value of the path record component.
path() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressPath
Returns the value of the path record component.
PathElaboration - Record Class in lib.aide.resource.collection
PathElaboration(ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult, ResourceProvenance<?, Resource<? extends Nature, ?>>, List<Map.Entry<String, Paths.DeepMergeOperation>>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.resource.collection.PathElaboration
Creates an instance of a PathElaboration record class.
paths() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.ResourcesSupplier
Paths<C,P> - Class in lib.aide.paths
This class represents a hierarchical path structure that supports adding, finding, and resolving nodes within the structure.
Paths(Paths.PayloadComponentsSupplier<C, P>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Constructs a Paths object with the specified root payload and payload components supplier.
Paths(Paths.PayloadComponentsSupplier<C, P>, Paths.NodePopulationStrategy<C, P>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Constructs a Paths object with the specified root payload and payload components supplier.
Paths.DeepMergeOperation - Enum Class in lib.aide.paths
Enum to represent the type of merge operation performed.
Paths.InterimPayloadSupplier<C,P> - Interface in lib.aide.paths
Paths.Node - Class in lib.aide.paths
Represents a node in the hierarchical path structure.
Paths.NodePopulationStrategy<C,P> - Interface in lib.aide.paths
Paths.PayloadComponentsSupplier<C,P> - Interface in lib.aide.paths
Interface defining methods to supply and assemble path components.
PathsHtml<C,P> - Class in lib.aide.paths
This class provides HTML representation utilities for the Paths class.
PathsHtml.Builder<C,P> - Class in lib.aide.paths
Builder class to configure and create an instance of PathsHtml.
PathsHtml.HtmlContent - Record Class in lib.aide.paths
Record to hold HTML content details.
PathsJson<C,P> - Class in lib.aide.paths
PathsJson() - Constructor for class lib.aide.paths.PathsJson
PathsJson.PayloadJsonSupplier<C,P> - Interface in lib.aide.paths
PathSuffixes - Record Class in lib.aide.paths
The PathSuffixes class is designed to handle and process suffixes, commonly known as file extensions, from a given file path or URL.
PathSuffixes(String, Pattern) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
PathSuffixes(String, Pattern, List<String>, String) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Creates an instance of a PathSuffixes record class.
PathsVisuals - Class in lib.aide.paths
This class provides visual representation utilities for the Paths class.
PathsVisuals() - Constructor for class lib.aide.paths.PathsVisuals
PathsVisuals.PayloadContentSupplier<C,P> - Interface in lib.aide.paths
payload() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
payload(List<C>, int) - Method in interface lib.aide.paths.Paths.InterimPayloadSupplier
PERSISTENCE_STRATEGY - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Request
PERSISTENCE_STRATEGY_ARGS - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Response
PERSISTENCE_STRATEGY_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Response
PERSISTENCE_STRATEGY_INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Response
pivotCols() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the pivotCols record component.
pivotMode() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the pivotMode record component.
PivotSupport - Class in
PivotSupport() - Constructor for class
populate(List<C>, Optional<P>, int, Paths.InterimPayloadSupplier<C, P>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
Populates the tree structure with the specified components and payload.
populate(Paths.Node, Paths.Node) - Method in interface lib.aide.paths.Paths.NodePopulationStrategy
populate(P) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Populates the tree structure with the specified payload, starting from root with default behavior for interim payloads.
populate(P, Paths.InterimPayloadSupplier<C, P>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Populates the tree structure with the specified payload, starting from root.
populateModel(String, Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
populateSnapshot(VfsIngressConsumer.QuadFunction<VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual, FileObject, FileObject, VfsIngressConsumer.Audit, List<VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual>>) - Method in class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Builder
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.UxReportableObservability
Presentation - Class in
Presentation(Environment, RoutesTrees, AppConfig, SandboxHelpers) - Constructor for class
PrimeController - Class in
PrimeController(AppConfig, UdiPrimeDbConfig, Presentation) - Constructor for class
principal() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter.AuthenticatedUser
Returns the value of the principal record component.
profilePicUrl() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Returns the value of the profilePicUrl record component.
projects(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
protocol() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the protocol record component.
provenance() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.ResourceProvenance
Returns the value of the provenance record component.
provenance() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsResponse
Returns the value of the provenance record component.
provenance() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the provenance record component.
Provenance - Interface in lib.aide.resource
PROVENANCE - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Request


query() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqQuery
Returns the value of the query record component.
query() - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier
queryString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the queryString record component.


rangeSelection() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the rangeSelection record component.
RangeSelection(int, int) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.RangeSelection
Creates an instance of a RangeSelection record class.
refreshDatabase(String) - Method in class
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class lib.aide.paths.Paths.DeepMergeOperation
replacePlaceholders(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class
request() - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier
request() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the request record component.
Request() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName.Request
Request() - Constructor for class
Request() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Request
requestBody() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the requestBody record component.
requestContext() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the requestContext record component.
RequestEncountered(HttpServletRequest, byte[]) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
RequestEncountered(UUID, Interactions.Tenant, String, String, String, String, String, String, Instant, List<Interactions.Header>, Map<String, String[]>, String, String, String, HttpSession, List<Cookie>, byte[]) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Creates an instance of a RequestEncountered record class.
requestId() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the requestId record component.
requestId() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the requestId record component.
RequestResponseEncountered(UUID, Interactions.Tenant, Interactions.RequestEncountered, Interactions.ResponseEncountered) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
Creates an instance of a RequestResponseEncountered record class.
RequestResponseEncountered(Interactions.RequestEncountered, Interactions.ResponseEncountered) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
requestUri() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the requestUri record component.
requestUrl() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the requestUrl record component.
resolve(String) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
Resolves the relative path to a node in the tree structure.
resolve(List<C>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
Resolves the relative components to a node in the tree structure.
resource() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.ResourceProvenance
Returns the value of the resource record component.
Resource<N,C> - Interface in lib.aide.resource
Resource(List<String>) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.Resource
Creates an instance of a Resource record class.
resourceFactory() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedResourceFactory
Returns the value of the resourceFactory record component.
resourceFactory() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedTextResourceFactory
Returns the value of the resourceFactory record component.
ResourceFactory - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
ResourceFactory() - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory
ResourceFactory.MapFromTextContentType - Enum Class in lib.aide.resource.content
ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult - Record Class in lib.aide.resource.content
A record to encapsulate the result of mapping a file's content to a Map, the validity of the operation, any issues encountered during the process, and the type of content parsed.
ResourceFactory.SuffixedResourceFactory<T,R> - Record Class in lib.aide.resource.content
ResourceFactory.SuffixedTextResourceFactory<T,R> - Record Class in lib.aide.resource.content
resourceFromSuffix(String, Supplier<T>, Optional<Pattern>, Optional<String>) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory
Determine if a suffix has a resource factory and return an Optional.
ResourceProvenance<P,R> - Record Class in lib.aide.resource
ResourceProvenance(P, R) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.resource.ResourceProvenance
Creates an instance of a ResourceProvenance record class.
resources() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.ResourcesSupplier
resources() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Returns the value of the resources record component.
Resources<C,R> - Class in lib.aide.resource.collection
Resources(List<ResourceProvenance<?, R>>, List<Paths<C, ResourceProvenance<?, R>>>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.collection.Resources
Resources.Builder<C,R> - Class in lib.aide.resource.collection
ResourcesSupplier<P,C,R> - Interface in lib.aide.resource
response() - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier
response() - Method in interface lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsSupplier
Constructs a TabularRowsResponse based on the provided context.
response() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the response record component.
response(List<String>, String) - Method in class
Response() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName.Response
Response() - Constructor for class
Response() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet.HeaderName.Response
responseBody() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the responseBody record component.
responseBuilder(Map<String, Object>, String, String, Object) - Method in class
ResponseEncountered(HttpServletResponse, Interactions.RequestEncountered, byte[]) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
ResponseEncountered(UUID, UUID, int, Instant, List<Interactions.Header>, byte[]) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Creates an instance of a ResponseEncountered record class.
responseId() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the responseId record component.
result() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Returns the value of the result record component.
roles() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.Resource
Returns the value of the roles record component.
root() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths
Returns the root node.
route() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the route record component.
Route(String, String, String, int, Object) - Constructor for record class
Route(String, String, Optional<String>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Object>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Route record class.
Route(RouteMapping, String, Object) - Constructor for record class
RouteComponentsSupplier() - Constructor for class
RouteMapping - Annotation Interface in
RoutesTree - Class in
RoutesTree() - Constructor for class
RoutesTree.Builder - Class in
RoutesTree.HtmlAnchor - Record Class in
RoutesTree.Route - Record Class in
RoutesTree.RouteComponentsSupplier - Class in
RoutesTrees - Class in
RoutesTrees(ApplicationContext, RequestMappingHandlerMapping) - Constructor for class
routeTrees(String) - Method in class
rowGroupCols() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the rowGroupCols record component.
rp() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.collection.PathElaboration
Returns the value of the rp record component.


SandboxHelpers - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
SandboxHelpers(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers
SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor - Record Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
schemaSpy(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
secondFilter() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
Returns the value of the secondFilter record component.
secondFilter() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Returns the value of the secondFilter record component.
SecurityConfig - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
SecurityConfig() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SecurityConfig
serialize(byte[], JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.ByteArrayToStringOrJsonSerializer
serialize(String, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonTextSerializer
ServerRowsRequest - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
ServerRowsRequest() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
ServerRowsResponse - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
ServerRowsResponse() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
ServerRowsResponse(List<Map<String, Object>>, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
Servlet() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration.Servlet
Servlet() - Constructor for class
Servlet() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Servlet
ServletInitializer - Class in
ServletInitializer() - Constructor for class
session() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the session record component.
setAge(int) - Method in class
setAggFunc(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
setBaseline_hba1c(double) - Method in class
setBmi(double) - Method in class
setBorderLine(int) - Method in class
setCdata(double) - Method in class
setColId(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
SetColumnFilter - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
SetColumnFilter() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SetColumnFilter
SetColumnFilter(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SetColumnFilter
setData(List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
setDiabetes_type(String) - Method in class
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
setEndDate(String) - Method in class
setEndRow(int) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setField(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
setFilter(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.TextColumnFilter
setFilterModel(Map<String, ColumnFilter>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.FilterRequest
setFilterModel(Map<String, ColumnFilter>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setFormattedValue(String) - Method in class
setGri(String) - Method in class
setGroupKeys(List<String>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setHigh(double) - Method in class
setId(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ColumnVO
setLastRow(int) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
setLow(double) - Method in class
setMrn(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setNctNumber(String) - Method in class
setParticipant_id(String) - Method in class
setParticipantId(String) - Method in class
setPayload(Optional<P>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
setPivotCols(List<ColumnVO>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setPivotMode(boolean) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setRowGroupCols(List<ColumnVO>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setSecondaryColumns(List<String>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsResponse
setSort(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
setSortModel(List<SortModel>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setStartDate(String) - Method in class
setStartRow(int) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setStudy(String) - Method in class
setStudyDescription(String) - Method in class
setStudyName(String) - Method in class
setSuffix(String) - Method in class
setTAR_H(String) - Method in class
setTAR_VH(String) - Method in class
setTBR_L(String) - Method in class
setTBR_VL(String) - Method in class
setTimeRangeString(String) - Method in class
setTIR(String) - Method in class
setTitle(String) - Method in class
setType(String) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.TextColumnFilter
setValue(double) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValueCols(List<ColumnVO>) - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.ServerRowsRequest
setVersion(String) - Method in class
Spring Boot will retrieve required value from properties file which is injected from pom.xml.
setvHigh(double) - Method in class
setvLow(double) - Method in class
ShellController - Class in
ShellController(ResourceLoader, Presentation) - Constructor for class
shellJs(String) - Method in class
siblingOrder() - Element in annotation interface
siblingOrder() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the siblingOrder record component.
siblings(boolean) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
SINGLETON - Static variable in class lib.aide.resource.content.EmptyResource
SINGLETON - Static variable in class lib.aide.resource.content.ExceptionResource
sort() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.SortModel
Returns the value of the sort record component.
sortModel() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the sortModel record component.
SortModel - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
SortModel() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
SortModel(String, String) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.SortModel
Creates an instance of a SortModel record class.
SortModel(String, String) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
springOpenAPI() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SwaggerConfig
SqlQueryBuilder - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
Builds SQL queries from ServerRowsRequest.
SqlQueryBuilder() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SqlQueryBuilder
src() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Returns the value of the src record component.
startRow() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.RangeSelection
Returns the value of the startRow record component.
startRow() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the startRow record component.
status() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the status record component.
status(String) - Method in class
StreamResource<N> - Interface in lib.aide.resource
stronglyTyped() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqProvenance
Returns the value of the stronglyTyped record component.
stronglyTyped() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqQuery
Returns the value of the stronglyTyped record component.
stronglyTyped() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable
Returns the value of the stronglyTyped record component.
studyDetail(String, Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
studyDetail(String, Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
StudyDetailController - Class in
StudyDetailController(Presentation) - Constructor for class
studyDetails(ServerRowsRequest) - Method in class
studyIds() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the studyIds record component.
StudyParticipant - Class in
StudyParticipant(String, int, double, String, double, String) - Constructor for class
StudyVanityMatricsController - Class in
StudyVanityMatricsController(Presentation, UdiPrimeDbConfig) - Constructor for class
StudyView - Class in
StudyView(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
SUFFIXED_RF_MAP - Static variable in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedTextResourceFactory
SuffixedResourceFactory(BiFunction<Supplier<T>, Optional<PathSuffixes>, R>, PathSuffixes) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedResourceFactory
Creates an instance of a SuffixedResourceFactory record class.
SuffixedTextResourceFactory(BiFunction<Supplier<String>, Optional<PathSuffixes>, R>, PathSuffixes) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedTextResourceFactory
Creates an instance of a SuffixedTextResourceFactory record class.
suffixes() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Returns the value of the suffixes record component.
suffixes() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.EmptyResource
suffixes() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.ExceptionResource
suffixes() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.JsonResource
suffixes() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource
suffixes() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource
suffixes() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedResourceFactory
Returns the value of the suffixes record component.
suffixes() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedTextResourceFactory
Returns the value of the suffixes record component.
suffixes() - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.YamlResource
summaryAttrs() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Returns the value of the summaryAttrs record component.
svmfinal(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
SwaggerConfig - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
SwaggerConfig(AppConfig) - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SwaggerConfig
swaggerUI(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class


table() - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier
table() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable
Returns the value of the table record component.
tabularRows(String, String, TabularRowsRequest, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
TabularRowsController - Class in
TabularRowsController(UdiPrimeDbConfig) - Constructor for class
tabularRowsCustom(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
TabularRowsRequest - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
Record representing a server-side rows request from AG Grid.
TabularRowsRequest(int, int, Map<String, TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel>, List<TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO>, List<TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO>, boolean, List<TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO>, List<String>, List<TabularRowsRequest.SortModel>, Map<String, Object>, List<TabularRowsRequest.RangeSelection>, List<TabularRowsRequest.AggregationFunction>) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Creates an instance of a TabularRowsRequest record class.
TabularRowsRequest.AggregationFunction - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
Record representing an aggregation function.
TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
Record representing a column definition.
TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
Record representing a filter model.
TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
Record representing a filter model.
TabularRowsRequest.RangeSelection - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
Record representing a range selection.
TabularRowsRequest.SortModel - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
Record representing a sort model.
TabularRowsResponse<P> - Record Class in lib.aide.tabular
Record representing the server-side response for rows request from AG Grid.
TabularRowsResponse(P, List<Map<String, Object>>, int, String) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsResponse
Creates an instance of a TabularRowsResponse record class.
TabularRowsSupplier<P> - Interface in lib.aide.tabular
tenant() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the tenant record component.
tenant() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
Returns the value of the tenant record component.
Tenant(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Tenant
Tenant(String) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Tenant
Tenant(String, String) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Tenant
Creates an instance of a Tenant record class.
TENANT_ID - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName.Request
TENANT_NAME - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.conf.Configuration.Servlet.HeaderName.Request
tenantId() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Returns the value of the tenantId record component.
tenantId() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Tenant
Returns the value of the tenantId record component.
text() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the text record component.
TextColumnFilter - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid
TextColumnFilter() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.TextColumnFilter
textContent() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Returns the value of the textContent record component.
textFromURL(String) - Static method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Helpers
Retrieves the content of the specified URL as a String.
TextResource<N> - Interface in lib.aide.resource
textResourceFactoryFromSuffix(String, Optional<Pattern>) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory
Detect the nature of a resource from the suffixes supplied.
textResourceFromSuffix(String, Supplier<String>, Optional<Pattern>) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory
Determine if a suffix has a text resource factory and return an Optional.
time_range_stacked_data_query - Static variable in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.MetricsQueries
TimeInRange - Class in
TimeInRange(String, int, double, String, String) - Constructor for class
title() - Element in annotation interface
title() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the title record component.
toHtmlUL(Paths<C, P>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml
toHtmlUL(Paths<C, P>, Optional<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml
Generates an HTML representation of the given Paths object wrapped in a
toJson() - Method in record class
toJson() - Method in class
toJson(Paths.Node, Paths<C, P>) - Method in interface lib.aide.paths.PathsJson.PayloadJsonSupplier
toJson(Paths<C, P>, Optional<PathsJson.PayloadJsonSupplier<C, P>>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsJson
Converts the Paths instance to a JSON string representation.
toString() - Method in class lib.aide.paths.Paths.Node
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.HtmlContent
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.paths.PathSuffixes
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.collection.PathElaboration
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedResourceFactory
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.SuffixedTextResourceFactory
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.nature.FrontmatterNature.Components
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.resource.ResourceProvenance
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqProvenance
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.JooqQuery
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.AggregationFunction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ColumnVO
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.RangeSelection
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.SortModel
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.Audit
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressGroup
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lib.aide.vfs.VfsIngressConsumer.IngressPath
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.FilterRequest
toString() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.aggrid.SortModel
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUserAuthorizationFilter.AuthenticatedUser
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.AuthorizedUser
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.GitHubUsersService.Resource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Header
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestResponseEncountered
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.ResponseEncountered
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Tenant
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.response.JdbcResponse.JdbcRowsResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.InvalidResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidUntypedResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
totalfiles() - Method in class
totalfilesList(Model, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
TypableTable(Table<?>, boolean) - Constructor for record class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.TypableTable
Creates an instance of a TypableTable record class.
type() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.ConditionsFilterModel
Returns the value of the type record component.
type() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest.FilterModel
Returns the value of the type record component.


udiPrimaryDataSource() - Method in class org.diabetestechnology.drh.udi.UdiPrimeDbConfig
UdiPrimeDbConfig - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.udi
UdiPrimeDbConfig() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.udi.UdiPrimeDbConfig
UntypedMarkdownNature() - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource.UntypedMarkdownNature
UntypedMarkdownNature(Supplier<String>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MarkdownResource.UntypedMarkdownNature
UntypedMdxNature() - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource.UntypedMdxNature
UntypedMdxNature(Supplier<String>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.MdxResource.UntypedMdxNature
uri() - Method in interface lib.aide.resource.Provenance
userAgent() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.RequestEncountered
Returns the value of the userAgent record component.
uxReportableError() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsResponse
Returns the value of the uxReportableError record component.
UxReportableObservability - Class in org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http
UxReportableObservability() - Constructor for class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.UxReportableObservability


ValidResult(String, Map<String, Object>, T) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResult
Creates an instance of a ValidResult record class.
ValidResultClassNotFound(String, Map<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotFound
Creates an instance of a ValidResultClassNotFound record class.
ValidResultClassNotInstantiated(String, Map<String, Object>, String, Exception) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidResultClassNotInstantiated
Creates an instance of a ValidResultClassNotInstantiated record class.
ValidUntypedResult(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.util.JsonText.JsonObjectResult.ValidUntypedResult
Creates an instance of a ValidUntypedResult record class.
value() - Method in record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.Interactions.Header
Returns the value of the value record component.
valueCols() - Method in record class lib.aide.tabular.TabularRowsRequest
Returns the value of the valueCols record component.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class lib.aide.paths.Paths.DeepMergeOperation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextContentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class lib.aide.paths.Paths.DeepMergeOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VfsIngressConsumer - Class in lib.aide.vfs
The VfsIngressConsumer class is designed to manage and process files from various locations, organizing them into groups, and handling snapshots (backup copies) of those files.
VfsIngressConsumer.Audit - Record Class in lib.aide.vfs
VfsIngressConsumer.AuditEvent - Record Class in lib.aide.vfs
VfsIngressConsumer.Builder - Class in lib.aide.vfs
VfsIngressConsumer.IngressEntry - Interface in lib.aide.vfs
VfsIngressConsumer.IngressGroup - Record Class in lib.aide.vfs
VfsIngressConsumer.IngressIndividual - Record Class in lib.aide.vfs
VfsIngressConsumer.IngressPath - Record Class in lib.aide.vfs
VfsIngressConsumer.QuadFunction<T,U,V,W,R> - Interface in lib.aide.vfs
VsCodeEditor(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class org.diabetestechnology.drh.service.http.SandboxHelpers.VsCodeEditor
Creates an instance of a VsCodeEditor record class.


WebConfig - Class in
WebConfig() - Constructor for class
withDSL(DSLContext) - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
withIds(Function<Paths.Node, String>) - Method in class lib.aide.paths.PathsHtml.Builder
Sets the function to generate HTML-friendly IDs.
withLogger(Logger) - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
withQuery(Class<?>, String, String, Query, ArrayList<Object>) - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
withRequest(TabularRowsRequest) - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
withSupplier(ResourcesSupplier<P, C, R>) - Method in class lib.aide.resource.collection.Resources.Builder
withTable(Class<?>, String, String) - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder
withTable(Table<?>) - Method in class lib.aide.tabular.JooqRowsSupplier.Builder


YAML - Enum constant in enum class lib.aide.resource.content.ResourceFactory.MapFromTextContentType
YamlNature() - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.YamlResource.YamlNature
YamlResource - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
YamlResource(String, YamlResource.YamlNature, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.YamlResource
YamlResource(Supplier<String>, YamlResource.YamlNature, Optional<PathSuffixes>) - Constructor for class lib.aide.resource.content.YamlResource
YamlResource.YamlNature - Class in lib.aide.resource.content
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